Teaching Profile
Undergraduate training at the Medical Faculty in Bern PBL, Clinical skills trainings, communication trainings, interprofessional trainings, Peer-Teaching, eLearning.
Postgraduate training
Program leadership and teaching in the international Master of Medical Education (MME) of the University of Bern. Postgraduate teaching activities includes also the Master of Medical education in Germany, Harvard Macy Institute Program for Leading Innovation in Healthcare and Education at Harvard Medical School; invited workshops national and international; Faculty development, Clinical Teaching and Feedback trainings, Courses and trainings for exam authors, Communication trainings.
Completed MME-theses supervised by IML
Dr. med. Eva Hennel (2020).
(MME BRD): «Development and Validity evidence of a German multisource feedback instrument»
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Sören Huwendiek, MME (IML)
Tobias Ries Giesler, MScN (2020).
Advantages, disadvantages and barriers in changing continuous professional development (CPD) for registered nurses in Switzerland.
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen (IML)
Completed Dissertations Human Medicine (Dr. med)
Lurà Jennifer Jasmine (2020).
«Zahnfleischrezession – Lernprogramm für Studierende der Zahnmedizin» (www.zahnfleischrezession.ch)
Thesis advisor: Dr. med. Ulrich Woermann, MME (IML), PD Dr C. A: Ramseier, Zahnmedizinische Kliniken, (Klinik für Parodontologie, Bern)
Tschopp Kathrin Barbara (2020).
«Hirnkurs» – 5 E-Learning-Module zur Vorbereitung auf den Hirnkurs im 2. Studienjahr
Thesis advisor: Dr. med. Ulrich Woermann, MME (IML), PD Dr. med. Gudrun Herrmann (Institut für Anatomie, Universität Bern)
Brander-Isenring Esther (2020).
Entwicklung des E-Learning Moduls «CT/MRT der Extremitäten» zur Anwendung in den Radiologiepraktika des ersten Studienjahres
Thesis advisor: Dr. med. Ulrich Woermann, MME (IML), PD Dr. med. Gudrun Herrmann (Institut für Anatomie, Universität Bern), Prof. Dr. L. Ebner, Universitätsinstitut für Diagnostische, Interventionelle u. Pädiatrische Radiologie (Inselspital, Bern)
Completed Master-theses
Tabea Meier (2020).
Spiritualität bei Medizinstudierenden
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen (IML) und Prof. Dr. Simon Peng-Keller (Theological Faculty, University of Zürich)
Daniel Staudenmann (2020).
Systematic review protocol examining medical specialty certification exams
Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Sören Huwendiek, MME (IML), Dr. phil. Andrea Carolin Lörwald (IML)