The extensive figures are from a time in which digital photography was not as advanced as it is today. The pictures were taken with a video camera and a frame grabber and are rather small and low-resolution. The figures are to be replaced by new images. In addition, HemoSurf will also be translated into Spanish.

Since the sale of HemoSurf on CD-ROM is no longer viable, in the medium term, an online version with online payment is planned.


  • New figures
  • Spanish version of HemoSurf
  • Online licencing


Prof. Dr. med. Vera Ulrike Bacher, Universitätsklinik für Hämatologie und Hämatologisches Zentrallabor

Team IML

Ulrich Woermann, Adrian Michel, Andrea Leonardo Abgottspon

Project information

Running time: 01/2019 – 12/2021

Dr. med. et MME Ulrich Joseph Woermann Research collaboration

ulrich.woermann (at)