EU-Project: «Developing, implementing and disseminating an adaptive clinical reasoning curriculum for healthcare students and educators», Project coordinator: University of Augsburg, Project head: PD Dr. Inga Hege. Project partner IML: Prof. Dr. Dr. Sören Huwendiek, MME, Dr. Felicitas Wagner
ERS (European Respiratory Society)/PhD-Grant: «How to improve continuing professional development to foster physician’s competencies and patient treatment». PhD Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. S. Huwendiek, MME, Sai Sreenidhi Ram (PhD)
NFP 74, Smarter HealthCare «Spiritual Care in Chronic Pain»: The significance of the spiritual dimension in medical treatment/nursing will be investigated in chronic pain patients and an appropriate surveying tool as well as an e-learning tool will be developed to improve the communication. Project head: Prof. S. Peng Keller, Theological Faculty, University of Zürich, Co-PIs: Prof. S. Guttormsen, Institute for Medical Education (Lead project C)
Swiss Cancer League: «Communication with cancer patients and their families about approaching death: Scaffolding conceptual and practical learning for health professionals». Project head: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen. Project partner: Prof. Steffen Eychmüller, University Centre for Palliative Care, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern
Health 2030: «Precision Medicine for FRONTLINERS», a multi-support learning platform for the daily practice of frontline care professionals. Project head: Idris Guessous HUG/UNIGE. Co-PIs: Profs. S. Guttormsen. J. Cornuz, Unisanté/UNIL, G. Waeber, CHUV/UNIL
Förderung innovativer Lehre (Promotion of innovative education) project «Aus Fehlern lernen - Verbesserung kommunikativer Fähigkeiten» («Learning from erroneous examples – Improving communication skills»). Project head: Prof. S. Guttormsen. Project coordinator: Dr. med. U. Woermann, MME. Project partner IML: Dr. med. N. Lüthi, MME. Other Partners: Prof. N. Egloff, University of Bern, cand. med. C. Ueltschi, Dr. med. R. Ott.
Venia Docendi in Medical Education
In 2020, Christoph Berendonk received the venia docendi in medical education. His research focus is the assessment of medical competence in under- and postgraduate education, with a special interest in individual faculty making subjective judgments about medical trainee performance. Additionally, he has contributed significantly to the introduction of workplace-based assessment both at the University of Bern and on a national level. He was also instrumental in the implementation and development of the Clinical Skills part of the Swiss Federal Licensing Examination.
Master of Medical Education in Corona times
Running the MME study program with international teachers and health professionals as participants was a big challenge during Corona pandemic. Still, we successfully managed to organize 2 modules onsite in Bern (Setting the Stage and Learning Environment) and 3,5 modules online via Zoom (Communication, Project Management, Assessment and Scholarship).
Videoconference - our «new normality»

Top row: Prof. Sissel Guttormsen, Director IML; Dr. Philippe Zimmermann, Department Head ASCII; Dr. Sandra Trachsel, Department Head MME
Lower row: Prof. Sören Huwendiek, Department Head AAE; Dr. Kai Schnabel, Department Head AUM