The implementation and performance of multisource feedback in medical training in Switzerland is being investigated at two pilot sites. Concrete recommendations, taking into account the international literature, will be derived from the collated positive and negative factors.


The aim of this project is to create a guideline that should help Swiss training institutions to implement and perform multisource feedback.

Ordering customer

SIWF-project funding 2019


Dr. med. Kathrin Neuhaus, Universitäts-Kinderspital Zürich; Dr. med. Barbara Fiedel, Kantonsspital Winterthur


Team IML

Eva Hennel (PhD student) 
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Sören Huwendiek, MME (thesis supervisor)

Project information

Running time: 07/2019 - 03/2020

Prof. Dr. Dr. med. et MME Sören Huwendiek Head of AAE Department

+41 31 684 62 18
soeren.huwendiek (at)